PNCI Construction is proud to sponsor Girl Scouts of Colorado — helping build girls of courage, confidence, and character, who make the world a better place.

PNCI Construction is proud to sponsor Girl Scouts of Colorado — helping build girls of courage, confidence, and character, who make the world a better place.
PNCI Construction supports Riverside Education Centers through sponsorships to help provide Mesa County students with high-quality academic and extracurricular experiences during out-of-school time to foster individual growth and to create community within a safe, diverse, equitable, inclusive environment.
PNCI Construction is proud to support the Community Food Bank of Grand Junction and provide sponsorship for the Annual Harvest Celebration, which raises vital funds to support the Food Bank’s mission of ending hunger insecurity.
For more information about the event, please visit
Community Food Bank of Grand Junction is an independent nonprofit serving Mesa County for 45 years.
Their mission is to provide a short-term supply of nutritious food and access to available hunger relief resources to anyone in Mesa County experiencing need. Learn more about their mission and how you can help: visit the Community Food Bank website.
PNCI stands behind Habitat for Humanity’s core belief that everyone deserves a safe & decent place to call home and supports the organization through corporate sponsorship opportunities.
Habitat for Humanity works hand in hand with qualified families, providing them with affordable mortgages and zero percent interest loans that are tailored to their income levels. Habitat’s commitment to community and sustainability are furthered by Restore where they sell a wide range of affordable home improvement and building materials to further Habitat’s mission to build strength, stability, and self-reliance through shelter. Learn more by visiting the Habitat for Humanity website.
PNCI is a proud sponsor of the Colorado West Performing Arts Company.
Colorado West Performing Arts Company is the first professional ballet company on the Western Slope. What began as a small-town dance and performance company has now blossomed into the premier ballet company in the Grand Valley. Colorado West Performing Arts Company works with local dancers as well as dancers from all over the world to provide Grand Junction with an exceptional experience in performing arts.
PNCI is a dedicated sponsor of the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation.
Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation was founded in the mid-1980s by four men from northwest Montana dedicated to ensuring the future of elk throughout the United States. Now with nearly 235,000 members, the RMEF supports more than 12,400 conservation and hunting heritage outreach projects and is one of the most effective and efficient conservation organizations in the United States.
PNCI is a dedicated sponsor of the Sister Michel Patient Compassion Endowment.
Sister Michel Pantenburg, a tireless advocate of the poor and underserved, established the St. Mary’s Hospital Foundation to help fund critical healthcare services, ensure that the hospital is able to meet the community’s needs, and build for the future. Sister Michel passed away in 2016, but her legacy of advancing the growth of healthcare and of philanthropy in our community will forever pave the way for generations to come.
The Sister Michel Patient Compassion Fund was established in 2019 and truly exhibits the Sisters of Charity of Leavenworth’s mission to serve the poor and vulnerable, while also honoring the legacy and life of Sister Michel. The endowment specifically focuses on serving the following areas of need:
• Transportation needs
• Short-term lodging assistance
• Prescription Medication assistance
• New born car seats (including specialty car seats for premature babies)
• Clothing
• Meal cards
• In-home medical equipment
PNCI is a proud sponsor of the annual Lions Club Carnival. The Grand Junction Lions Club was chartered in October of 1921 and has been raising money to contribute to the betterment of our community through local projects ever since. To date, the Grand Junction Lions Club holds its annual Carnival and Parade (which first started in 1929) as its sole fund raiser and has given back more than $7,000,000 to the local community. In addition to helping almost every non–profit organization, medical organization, and historical organization in the valley, the Lions Club has come up with some unique ideas for improving the community through unique projects of its own, such as the creation of Two Rivers Plaza and the Riverfront Trail System.
PNCI Construction is pleased to support the D51 Foundation through our sponsorship of the Foundation’s annual White Iced Event—an annual celebration to recognize outstanding educators and academic growth schools.
D51 Foundation’s mission is to raise funds for academic growth and achievement and promote outreach to benefit kids and community.
The Foundation was created in 2010 to support local public schools by providing private support for key education initiatives. As a 501(c)(3) organization, the Foundation provides an opportunity to make strategic investment, and actively engages parents, students, and the community to rally behind Mesa County Valley School District 51.
PNCI was grateful for the opportunity to work with our trusted partners in contributing to the 2019 Lower Valley Fire District Holiday Food Bank Drive. Every year we’re thrilled to see the response from our working partners as we work together to better the community around us in tangible ways.